We hope you’ve been holding up well since the last time we checked in with you with Snyder Cut news, which was approximately… two days ago, if you’re willing to count the announcement of DC FanDome (you know, for fans!) and the fact that the Justice League recut is going to be there. We know this wait has been large and arduous, but you’re in luck: The first — albeit very brief — footage from the new version of the film dropped on Thursday via a tweet from director Zack Snyder himself.
Honestly, we’re just kind of shocked that he didn’t drop this first teaser on Vero, which was his social media platform of choice up until last month. Anyway, there’s not too much here — Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot, in case you’ve been living under a rock) finds a wall-painting depicting the arrival of Darkseid, and Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg, in case you’ve blacked out Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice from your memory) narrates the whole thing. We get one pretty cool shot of Darkseid hitting earth — presumably during the big battle between the forces of humanity and Apokolips — and then it all ends.
But we imagine you’d just want to watch all this for yourself, so here’s the tweet (and footage) in question:
First ever sneak peek at JL. Get ready for more at DC FanDome. @hbomax #releasethesnydercut #DCFanDome pic.twitter.com/WIWwFo4Xnt
— Zack Snyder (@ZackSnyder) June 18, 2020
That’s not too much more than an appetizer for what’s to come later on in the summer, but it looks intriguing? At least we know that the Snyder Cut promises to be a very different film than what we saw in theaters in 2017, and that it’s living up to its hefty price tag.
Justice League: The Snyder Cut hits HBO Max sometime in 2021, but you should be able to get an even larger look at Snyder’s take on the film at DC FanDome (you know, for fans!) on August 22.