National NewsJustin Bieber arrested for drag racing while drinking, emerges with one of the prettiest mugshots ever
National NewsReport: Police raid Justin Bieber’s house with battering ram over egg-throwing incident — WTF?!?
National NewsJustin Bieber’s new song ‘Bad Day’ sure sounds a lot like Ice Cube’s ‘It Was A Good Day’
National News Star Search: Watch Justin Bieber get patted down and checked for drugs in a Miami police station
National NewsGovernment petition to deport Justin Bieber tallies nearly 75,000 signatures in six days, appears headed for White House review
National NewsBoston-based clothing company thwarted in attempts to manufacture Justin Bieber Nazi shirt
National NewsJustin Bieber announces his retirement via Twitter; Christmas ruined for millions of teenage fangirls
National News Justin Bieber sings the guitar part to ‘Fade To Black’, leads Metallica to claim they are ‘Beliebers’