RAGS AND RICHES embrace a glowing dreamer anthem in ‘holiday.’

Via LPR Agency

When we last caught up with RAGS AND RICHES, the Kentucky alt-pop duo took part in our 2021 Last Show series, where we talked to bands and artists about their final live gig before the pandemic brought life to a standstill. We mention that here because today (January 27), the RAGS AND RICHES brother duo of Tanner and Peyton Whitt return with vibrant new single “holiday.”, a glowing alt-pop dreamer anthem about living life to the fullest. When they declare in the opening lines “I need a holiday / Get me away from this crazy place,” we can’t help but understand exactly where they’re coming from.

“It came from a place of feeling burnt out on the schedule we were living,” says Tanner. “We had been doing the same schedule for a few years and this was our ‘get me out of this way of living’ mindset… Peyton produced the beat and then we called our good friend DeMarko Murphy in to help write this one. Between the three of us I think we nailed the carefree/get me out of this ‘normal’ way of living.” 

We’ve come a long way since ’21, but there’s a lot more ground left to cover, especially when it comes to finding true happiness. Take a “holiday.” with RAGS AND RICHES by pressing play below, and swandive into the brief escape only a weekend can provide.