Oh The Horror: In honor of ‘The Bye Bye Man’, here are the worst-named films in movie history

Two movies with some of the stupidest titles ever are hitting theaters this month: Horror flick The Bye Bye Man, which lands today for Friday the 13th, and Vin Diesel’s bicep-showcase xXx: The Return of Xander Cage, which hits next week. The former is one of the worst titles for a horror movie we’ve come across in the past 10 years, inspiring hearty laughter in the theaters in which the previewed screened and some pretty great parodies, while the xXx sequel sounds like less of a spy movie and more like something you’d find on a crusty rack behind the velvet curtain at the video store.

So, we got to thinking: What are some of the worst movie titles we’ve ever come across?

Find out more after the jump.

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Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins

In the “failed franchise” hall of fame, Remo Williams holds a special spot near the exit. From having what might be the silliest name for a major star to ever hit the screen to the sequel-bait already thrown out in the title, this movie was doomed from the start. It might not have been an issue if the movie had been any good — lots of movies with shitty titles course correct in the sequel (see Batman Begins) but it was god-awful from the start. Fred Ward stars as Remo Williams, CURE assassin and ninja, trained by a white man in yellow face (Joel Grey), who must stop… something or other. To think that this piece of shit came from the same man who gave us Goldfinger is insanity. We can’t completely hate this movie’s title, though: It’s used pitch-perfectly in the finale of groundbreaking comic series Y: The Last Man, and makes us weep at the the very thought of it.

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