Creepoid’s Nick Kulp detained in Texas jail on way back from SXSW

UPDATE 9 a.m.: The GoFundMe hit its goal in a few short hours. Creepoid write: “HOLY SHIT – thanks so very much to all of you, we hit $5k on Nicky’s GoFundMe; any and all additional $ will go towards Nicky’s legal defense. We’ll update everyone as soon as he’s out”

Philadelphia/Savannah alt-rock band Creepoid have experienced some trouble getting out of Texas after South-By-Southwest, and have created a GoFundMe page to help get guitarist Nick Kulp out of a local jail.

According to a Facebook post the band made Monday night, police in Texas stopped Creepoid’s van and detained Kulp, who is currently being held on 5,000 bail. Creepoid do not specify which part of Texas Kulp is currently being held in, nor do they mention the reasoning for his detainment by local police.

More to come.