It’s not uncommon for us here in New England to spend most of February daydreaming about Southern California (and its weather), but after last month’s wildfires, a lot of our attention has been diverted out that way in this early stage of the year. So we’re particularly feeling “Lost Angeles,” the glowing new single from Dream, Ivory that finds the Los Angeles project led by brother duo of Christian and Louie Baello seeking ways to emerge from difficult times. “2024 was a turbulent year for us as brothers and as a band,” the duo state, with Christian adding: “We had to deal with a lot of change personally — and as a recovering alcoholic, the first part of the year was dealt with sinking lower into rock bottom while the second part of the year was escaping that low point.” There’s likely to be many low points in the year ahead, so take the driving and warmth-soaked “Lost Angeles” with you as a soundtrack of hope. We all can use it, no matter where we’re located and what the weather may bring.
Dream, Ivory escape life’s low points with the driving ‘Lost Angeles’

Photo Credit: Lilia Peters