Adulthood comes at you fast. One moment you’re the “Life of the Party”, and the next you’re stuck at work.
Representing a little bit of all of us as we flutter along desperate for a little bit more from both sides of life, Housewife checks in from the break room of life with iridescent alt-pop single “Work Song.” The track and video, which landed last week, arrive with word of new EP Girl Of The Hour, out March 7 via Submarine Cat Records.
Catchier than an attitude, “Work Song” another propulsive leap towards stardom for Toronto artist Brighid Fry (she/they), who first graced our digital pages nearly five years ago with prior project Moscow Apartment. Fry continues to channel youthful exuberance with the melancholic awareness of someone who has seen it all.
“‘Work Song’ is about feeling unsatisfied with yourself and where you’re going,” Fry says. “I have really high expectations of myself but also have really unhealthy habits and so oscillate between being a workaholic and being burnt out. I wanted to poke fun at myself, while still processing it as a valid issue in my life. This song is for anyone else out there with executive functioning issues who sometimes feel like a hot mess.”
Clock in, clock out with Housewife below.