See what horrors lurk in the trailer for A24’s ‘The Front Room’

The Front Room

Every so often, a movie will pop up on the release calendar that just reads like a filled-out MadLibs page, full of unexpected twists and turns. Such is the case with The Front Room, a new flick coming out around Labor Day. It’s an A24 horror release, positioned to be a box-office winner at the exact right time of year, which is good enough. It stars Brandy Norwood — the pop star and main character of TV’s Moesha — which is pretty cool, if a little unexpected (it’s been nearly 30 years since she was in I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, her last horror flick).

But the wackiest thing about this release is who made this movie: Max and Sam Eggers, who are, you guessed it, the brothers of A24 hitmaker Robert (who moved over to Focus Features to make The Northman and Nosferatu). In short, this is just patently absurd, and we are so hideously thankful that the fates assembled this production in this way.

A24 dropped a trailer for the film on Thursday morning after teasing its release for a bit, and it looks like a fun enough way to celebrate the victories of the American Labor Movement during the long weekend. We could have made a “labor” pun given that it’s mom-core horror, but hey, sometimes we’ve got taste.

Peep it:

Here’s a short synopsis:

“Everything goes to hell for newly-pregnant Belinda(Brandy) after her mother-in-law(Kathryn Hunter) moves in. As the diabolical guest tries to get her claws on the child, Belinda must draw the line somewhere…”

The Front Room hits theaters on September 6. Now we’re just thinking about all of the potentially amazing roles for ’90s sitcom stars in “elevated” horror pictures these days, and hey, Jim Belushi was already in Twin Peaks, so there’s even more precedent. Have John Stamos star in a remake of John Frankenheimer’s Seconds. Get Malcolm and Eddie back for a twist on An American Werewolf in Paris, or Fran Drescher in a gender-bent version of The Stepfather. Or finally get in touch with Flex and Darryl Bell back for a cosmic horror version of Homeboys from Outer Space — we’re thinking Event Horizon, but with Ty and Morris.