While everyone continues to debate the performer lineups on the mega-festivals from Allston to Indio, the Boston area continues to deliver smaller fests in large volumes of quality. The latest to catch the city’s collective attention is Notch Brewing’s Forever Lager festival, which pairs beers and bands at its Brighton location on June 8.
The bands were booked, appropriately enough, by IBOOKTHINGS, and the lineup is stellar, with appearances by pronoun, Valleyheart, Grace Givertz, Oldsoul, Cape Crush, Rusty Mullet, and Lee Zangari.
“When Notch Brewing told us they needed a lineup of music for this we were super happy to oblige,” writes IBOOKTHINGS on Insta. “Come for the lager and stay for the music delights… Music portion is free and the tickets for the beer portion of the fest go on sale later this month so don’t sleep!”
Oh shit, it’s free, too? Well alright.
Peep the flyer below, designed by John Magnifico (we miss his old band Boom Said Thunder, by the way), and be sure to eyeball all of Forever Lager’s participating brewers.