Netflix should have dropped this ‘Family Switch’ trailer on a freaky Friday

Family Switch

You know it’s November when the Family Movie makes its triumphant returns to screens, both large and small, to provide heaping doses of unpopped, undigested holiday corn for you and your loved ones in the absence of better entertainment options. What’s fun about Family Switch, the latest product of the Netflix-McG collaboration, is that it takes the Freaky Friday concept and just expands it to the whole of the nuclear family unit. Jennifer Garner’s riffing on 13 Going on 30 here, and it took us five solid minutes to remember that Ed Helms wasn’t in The Change-Up with Ryan Reynolds (that was Jason Bateman as co-lead), and… well, that’s all you’re really getting here.

It’s exactly what’s advertised in the trailer that Netflix dropped earlier on Wednesday. To be fair, since this is a McG picture, there’s a decent likelihood that it’s the best version of the movie (and we’re serious because that Terminator: Salvation trailer kicked ass even if the actual final product didn’t). Peep it:

Here’s a synopsis:

“Jess and Bill Walker are doing their best to keep their family connected as their children grow older, more independent, and more distant. When a chance encounter with an astrological reader causes the family to wake up to a full body switch, on the morning of the most important day of each of their lives, can the Walkers unite to land a promotion, college interview, record deal and soccer tryout? Jennifer Garner, Ed Helms, Emma Myers and Brady Noon star in this family comedy directed by McG and based on the book ‘Bedtime For Mommy’ by Amy Krouse-Rosenthal.”

Family Switch will help to kick off your holiday season on November 30, should you be so inclined to waste valuable Christmas tree-picking time or dawdle during the dwindling hours of the NFL season. But hey, we get it: You got laundry to fold.