Marika Hackman emerges to confront the anxiety in all of us in ‘No Caffeine’

Photo Credit: Steve Gullick

It’s wild to think that it’s been four years since Marika Hackman’s previous studio album, the playful and engaging Any Human Friend, which gave us a 2019 SOTY contender in “I’m Not Where You Are”. But hey, a lot has happened between then and now, and not all of it great (actually very little of it has been even good). We mention that because the English vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter returns today (September 6) with an immaculate new tune called “No Caffeine,” which swirls around our internal feelings of panic attacks and anxiety. What transpires through the song is pure survival mode, fit for everyone in this mess we call 2023: “Occupy your mind / Don’t stay home / Talk to all your friends, but don’t look at your phone / Scream into a bag / Try to turn your brain off.” Solid advice from a most solid artist.