
TIFFY crushes your idea of coolness with new single ‘Social Sliding’

Photo Credit: Cam Cavagnaro

TIFFY is about to kick over your social ladder with an unapologetic wallop of fuzz-pop. Tiffany Sammy’s one-woman show redefines what it means to knock someone down a few pegs with her new single “Social Sliding,” a tongue-in-cheek takedown of the idea that people “need” to chase trendy places and parties to maintain their cred in a scene.

The new single (released today, May 3) frames try-hard coolness as a tired trend, as Sammy shrugs off the pressures of popularity to the beat of her jubilant synths. She’s grounded in every sense of the word: Feet planted on the first floor, with no intention of scaling a slippery scene hierarchy. “No need to satisfy my ego,” Sammy sings with an enviably carefree affectation.

“It just feels so empty to live a life in pursuit of ‘climbing the ladder,’” she tells Vanyaland. “The ladder isn’t even real, who or what am I trying to reach at the top? No one’s approval but my own matters. Letting go has just been staying in line with my values and what makes me feel fulfilled.” 

Ironically, that approach is pretty damn cool.

Slide with Sammy below, and catch her performing with Roland High Life, Impossible Dog, and Rain House at O’Brien’s Pub next week (May 10).