This Show Is Tonight: Starcrawler bring rock n’ roll ‘Roadkill’ to Allston

Via BMLG Publicity

Anytime anyone says rock n’ roll is dead, we calmly point our pink compass out west to Los Angeles and shine a light on Starcrawler, who often return the favor by shining the brightest fucking light ever back at the naysayers. The rock supernova led by the one-two scrunch n’ punch of vocalist Arrow de Wilde and guitarist Henri Cash dropped major label debut She Said back in September, and tonight (November 7) the raucous quintet show it off in all its glammed-up glory at Brighton Music Hall in Allston.

We hardly miss a chance to hype an area Starcrawler appearance — a photo gallery from Great Scott; a live review from Royale; a deep-dive interview before a show at ONCE — and so here’s tonight’s advance warning. And it arrives at a time when the musical net is cast far and wide.

“We wanted to make songs for everyone,” says Cash of the new record. “For people that weren’t just into punk rock.” Thats right, these days Starcrawler are for everyone. Fire up She Said below, and glow-out to the “Roadkill” video after the jump.

STARCRAWLER + EXIT 18 + DJ CARBO :: Monday, November 7 at Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave. in Allston, MA :: 6:30 p.m., all ages, $17 :: Event page :: Advance tickets
