The Paranoyds have a feeling deep in their gut that someone’s listening to them. (It’s you, you’re listening to them, along with thousands of other people with superb taste).
The Los Angeles band plunge into a satirical self-fulfilling prophecy on Talk Talk Talk, their new LP that flips freaky times into flippant garage rock. The group’s sophomore record dropped last week (September 9) via Third Man Records, entering our current cultural vortex of tinfoil hats, misinformation, and instability. Suddenly, “Paranoyd” takes on a whole new meaning (as does their 2019 record Carnage Bargain, but that’s another story).
“Talk Talk Talk is a wild ride of sentimentality sprinkled with Twilight Zone paranoia and just plain old fun pop-rock,” shares bassist and vocalist Staz Lindes. “Talk Talk Talk is our child born from the strength and dedication of The Paranoyds in a wacky, depressing and confusing time.”
But hey — if you can’t make sense of the madness, you can at least put music to it, and Talk Talk Talk is the caustic soundtrack for the world’s rapid unraveling.
Lend an ear to Talk Talk Talk below, and catch The Paranoyds with Tchotchke at Cafe 939 next month.