Cruise Control: ‘Mission Impossible 7’ gets a teaser and a title

Mission Impossible

In case you missed out on the leak on Sunday night — yes, trailer leaks still happen somehow in this day and age, and it’s even funnier when it happens to a spy movie — the first teaser for Christopher McQuarrie’s Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One has arrived in full HD. Paramount was probably already planning on dropping this motherfucker this week to capitalize on Tom Cruise’s return to Top Gun, but we imagine the hubbub about how dope this looks might have convinced them to just go ahead and ruin Thor‘s thunder, given that the mouse will be dropping the Love and Thunder trailer at some point today as well. But how the fuck can a CGI-disguised Atlanta soundstage compete with this now?

Peep it:

Here’s a synopsis that is somehow longer than “Tom Cruise risks his life in a dozen different ways to make sure that you never once think of demanding a refund for any reason whatsoever, even if the person next to you left their phone on full volume and spilled beer all over you”:

Oh, wait a second. There isn’t any plot synopsis just yet, because of the reason listed above. If we were going to write one, we’d probably say: “Ethan Hunt does spy shit, Rebecca Ferguson looks cool as hell, Ving Rhames is still a king, and maybe they’ll do something cool with Simon Pegg in this one. There’s a first time for everything, right?”

Anyhow, Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One will hit theaters on July 14, 2023. Good lord is that a long-ass wait for something that feels like it’s been shooting since 2019. But we’re thinking it’ll probably be worth it, especially if it means Cruise got more time to come up with extra genuinely crazy shit to fling himself into.