‘The Matrix Resurrections’ gets a new, ass-kicking trailer

Matrix Resurrections
Warner Bros

Perhaps it’s just Warner Bros.’ pandemic-era distribution model making it feel this way, but it’s pretty goddamn odd that we’re less than three weeks away from having The Matrix Resurrections, the fourth installment of the iconic sci-fi series, available to watch in theatres and at home. How else can you explain the fact that we’re only getting the second trailer for the Lana Wachowski-directed film now — meaning Monday afternoon, which was probably when WB remembered they had a movie coming out — if they haven’t already written off their slate as a loss? We’re not even going to consider the possibility that the movie might not be good, too. Why? Well, just watch the fucking trailer. You’ll know all you need to after.

Peep it:

Here’s a synopsis, which, as you might expect, doesn’t tell us very much beyond things we already know and can see within the trailer itself, but you might not expect it to read like a radio ad, either:

“‘The Matrix Resurrections,’ the long-awaited next chapter in the groundbreaking franchise, reuniting original stars Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss as Neo and Trinity from Lana Wachowski. Return to a world of two realities: one, everyday life; the other, what lies behind it in ‘The Matrix Resurrections.'”

Can’t you hear a deep voice with the Don Davis music in the background as you read that? We kind of want to put an ad for a car dealership and a weather report in this post now as well, but we’ll spare you the Drive Time special.

Anyway, The Matrix Resurrections hits theaters (and HBO Max, a choice which Warner Bros. must be kicking itself over right now after losing all that money on Dune and basically every other theatrical release this year) on December 22. We’re just gonna say it: You’re probably going to need to rewatch all of those movies and complete that philosophy degree you were accumulating credits for before you discovered beer.