Little Victories admit that sometimes ‘Love Gets Me Down’

Via LPR Agency

This past weekend kicked off the 2021 holiday season, and underneath the glow of festive lights and “best life” displays on social media rest a unique kind of anxiety and seasonal depression. “Love Gets Me Down,” the harmonious and percussive new single from British alt-pop trio Little Victories, takes its cue from struggles with mental health, and how the folx around us often don’t understand what we’re going through. It’s not centrally themed around the holidays, but its sentiment really hits home around this time of year.

“We wanted to be personal and relatable whilst also keeping the reasoning ambiguous,” says the trio, comprised of Marcus Gooda, Nay Shalom, and Sam Rose, about the track.

They also add that their band moniker carries an enhanced meaning that permeates through not only this single, but all their music. “We want to instill a level of hope and connection that reassures our audiences that we all go through ups and downs — and that’s life,” Little Victories declare. “Everyone has their own story with their own challenges, heartbreak, highs and lows and when we realize that, the situations and feelings that often overwhelm us become less daunting and we feel less alone. Each day becomes about the little victories that get us through i.e. family, friends, music, small wins, faith, etc, hence the band name.”

Stay up with “Love Gets Me Down” below.