The Centaurettes shake the social ladder on ‘Trust Fund Tree’

Photo Credit: Tristan Shannon

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, this week, perhaps more than any other point in the year, is a time where we examine our own families, where we came from, and how the structures that were put in place decades ago forcefully shape our existence. We all have something to say about that, and The Centaurettes are no exception, as the St. Louis pastel punk trio deliver a snarling new tune called “Trust Fund Tree” that aims to shake the very foundations on which we were raised. Some might freak out over the sudden loss of footing, while for others, a more solid ground awaits.

And the first foot forward should always be your own. Even if it lands on an unsuspecting neck.

“‘Trust Fund Tree’ is an ode to putting yourself first, even when it hurts,” says Bionca Maldonado. “It recalls my youth of being trapped by controlling family and crushing expectations dangled on strings of generational wealth. I chose to break away and carve a path of my own happiness, even though it meant stripping myself of every hand-out that comes along with the blood-money-funded cookie-cutter lifestyle. It reminds me that I fight for passion, self-expression and freedom over capitalist convenience.”

In The Centaurettes, Maldonado is joined by Derek Hibbard and Daniel L. Jackson, and with a lineup that features three queer and two people-of-color voices, the band brings an exciting and fresh perspective to our playlists.

Grab a seat at their table, and slowly digest what they have to say.