Swirlpool shine like the morning on ‘Cinnamon Sun’

Photo Credit: Jul Uhlson

There are few things more exciting for a band than what comes next. The intrigue, the promise, the anticipation all swell up into a fever pitch, the arrival of intended greatness just off in the approaching horizon. But in order to get on to the next, a bridge must connect the past to the present, and that’s at the core of “Cinnamon Sun,” the latest single from German shoegaze outfit Swirlpool.

Last summer the Regensburg quartet hit us with a wave of nostalgia-gaze in the sweltered fury of “Spinning In Reverse”, further propelling a torrent of sound first concocted on the 2018 Camomile EP. With “Cinnamon Sun,” released this past Friday (July 30), Swirlpool channel more atmospheric tones, enlisting a lush flotation daydream device that glides with tumbling abandon over its five-minute runtime.

“This release closes a chapter for us as a band & we’re excited for the next steps towards something new,” writes Swirlpool, offering up little more around the track than that type of cryptic messaging.

What that future next entails remains to be seen and heard, but in the meantime it’s important to bridge things forward all while appreciating the here and now, and as such Swirlpool deliver another fantastic sonic shifter that reminds us why we fell in love with this sound to begin with. Listen to “Cinnamon Sun” below via Spotify, add it to all the ‘gazing playlists from here to eternity, and fire up the accompanying music video, constructed with collage art by Julius Bigott.
