Pronoun’s ‘I’M RIGHT BACK IN IT’ is pretty much the song you need right now

Photo Credit: Mitchell Wojcik

We’re never really ones to tell you how to live your lives. But we’re going to make a hearty-ass suggestion that you act without haste and add Pronoun’s spectacular new jam “I’M RIGHT BACK IN IT” to whatever post-vaccine, post-pandemic, coming-of-age, I-believe-in-myself, holy-fuck-me-it’s-summer-and-I’m-back-with-all-my-friends playlist you’re currently cooking up for the weekend. Go ahead, we’ll wait. Slot it right up top. Track 1 type shit, lead it off, make sure the artwork shows in the grid when you share it to Instagram stories kinda thing. And we’ll reconnect in the next graph.

Ok cool. Feels good, doesn’t it? And it sounds as good as it feels. We’re not gonna waste a lot of space here trying to connect exactly what “I’M RIGHT BACK IN IT” calls back to musically, whether it be band or genre or time period, but we will say that it just takes us back to a time when life was good. And we can use a whole lot of that right about now, especially as it positions ourselves in the mirror for some heart-to-brain understanding.

 “’I’M RIGHT BACK IN IT’ is tough internal talk in an attempt to call myself out in a semi-loving way,” says Pronoun. “It’s an effort to talk myself down from an anxiety / self-depreciation episode, but when the chorus enters it’s the counterpoint of this voice of reason that’s like, “ha, no, i’m not having this right now, existing in itself is driving me crazy, let me spiral’.

She adds: “It continues the theme of conversing with myself, looking in the mirror, and dissecting what’s honestly going on internally that’s making me so unhappy. It shows the two different sides of me, one’s logistical and reasonable, the other is sticking its tongue out.”

It’s an appropriate theme for the swirl of emotions we’re all going through. “I’M RIGHT BACK IN IT” is the latest offering from a new EP on the way from Pronoun, the blossoming musical project of Berklee grad and Brooklyn artist Alyse Vellturo. The new EP is called OMG I MADE IT, and it hits June 11 via Wax Bodega. Between this and previous single “I WANNA DIE BUT I CAN’T (CUZ I GOTTA KEEP LIVING)”, the EP is shaping up all sorts of lovely, and very timely.