A24’s ‘The Green Knight’ gets a face-melting full trailer

Green Knight

After a full year of radio silence, David Lowery’s The Green Knight — which, once upon a time, was supposed to premiere at SXSW 2020 — finally has a brand-new trailer, and buckle up, folks, because it’s a high-octane ride. We’re genuinely stunned that A24 didn’t set this motherfucker to a Dream Theater solo because it certainly shreds like one. It’s semi-traditional high fantasy done by the man who brought you some of the greatest fantasies of the last decade, and yes, we are including Pete’s Dragon in that mix. Why? Because it takes a little to make us laugh, but a lot to make us cry, and you better believe Lowery worked overtime then. Anyway! Watch the damn thing. Or don’t! Keep your eyes hidden away, because, remember, True Love Waits (until the end of July, at least).

Peep it:

Here’s a synopsis:

“An epic fantasy adventure based on the timeless Arthurian legend, ‘The Green Knight’ tells the story of Sir Gawain (Dev Patel), King Arthur’s reckless and headstrong nephew, who embarks on a daring quest to confront the eponymous Green Knight, a gigantic emerald-skinned stranger and tester of men. Gawain contends with ghosts, giants, thieves, and schemers in what becomes a deeper journey to define his character and prove his worth in the eyes of his family and kingdom by facing the ultimate challenger. From visionary filmmaker David Lowery comes a fresh and bold spin on a classic tale from the knights of the round table.”

The Green Knight will finally hit theaters on July 30. Just only a few more months now, y’all. And besides, if you were lucky enough to grab a copy of the Green Knight RPG last year, you could be making your own adventures set in the world of the film. We’ve got a copy cold-chillin’ nearby, and man, it’s fun as hell.