Over the course of the pandemic it was suggested that a game of tennis was one of the best ways to stay active and fit; it’s usually held outdoors, enforces social distancing among opponents, and can be played with masks. So it makes sense that Tennis, the indie-pop band from Denver, will welcome us all back to some sort of normalcy, once this nightmare is over, with a rescheduled North American tour for this fall. And they’re bringing Molly Burch, she of January’s excellent “Emotion” single, along for the ride.
“This is the third time I’ve written some version of the same tour announcement,” Tennis vocalist Alaina Moore writes on Facebook. “I admit, some of my initial excitement has been replaced with a sense of desperation. Throughout the day I find myself imploring no one in particular — please, please, let this be the tour that finally happens!”
Among the new dates are: October 11 and 12 at The Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles; October 15 at the Crescent Ballroom in Phoenix; November 8 at Royale; November 10 and 11 at Brooklyn Steel in New York City; and November 15 at The Vic Theatre in Chicago. All previously purchased tickets will be honored at the new dates; check your point of purchase for additional information.
“A few of the cities and venues have had to change, but our desire to play these shows has not,” Moore adds. “This fall, I will kiss the floor of every venue we enter. I will weep with gladness into the beards of the loaders who greet us in the alley. I will sing my heart out each night and make eye contact with every single one of you. I will not take a single moment for granted. What a gift! This fall (I’m 99.9% sure) we can let our hair down, sing our hearts out, have a good cry, shake hands with a stranger, make a new friend in line for the bathroom. It will all be worth it.”
Check out all the dates below while you listen to Tennis’ latest album, Swimmer, released on Valentine’s Day 2020,.