Is Rockwood Music Hall coming to Boston’s Fenway neighborhood?

Photo Credit: Manish Gosalia via Rockwood Music Hall

In a time where we’re reporting on a lot of music venues closing, here’s a sudden shift against the tide: Is a new live music club coming soon to Boston?

Boston Restaurant Talk yesterday reported a notice posted by the City of Boston’s Licensing Board that suggests New York City’s Rockwood Music Hall could be expanding up to Boston. A virtual hearing by the board will take place Wednesday (January 27), and among the discussion items is a transfer of a liquor license from Kenmore Square’s Uno Pizzeria & Grill, which closed in June, to Rockwood Music Hall Boston, LLC, with a listed street address of 88 Van Ness St. in Boston’s Fenway neighborhood.

Rockwood Music Hall currently operates a three-stage facility on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, which it opened in 2005.

Here are some venue details from the Licensing Board notice: “This is a music venue that has both a ground floor and mezzanine floor with both seating and standing options available. The seated option has a total occupancy of 95 persons with 43 total seats. The standing option has a total occupancy of 120 persons with 27 total seats. The venue has a total square footage of 1,847 square feet.”

The notice also lists a proposed 2 a.m. closing, a manager named Andrew Kaplan, and Nicholas Zozula of State Street’s McDermott, Quilty & Miller LLP as the attorney. The 88 Van Ness location is just off Boylston Street, near the Target and next to by CHLOE., which lists an address of 100 Van Ness St.

We’ve reached out to the attorney listed in the public notice, and we’ll post more information as it becomes available. Wednesday’s virtual license board hearing is set for 1 p.m. EST; click the link above for Zoom info.