Watch Brandon Flowers wash his hands while singing ‘Mr. Brightside’


Last week a meme circulated where song lyrics were applied to the practice of washing hands, something that has become a central theme in combating the spread of the coronavirus outbreak. Many on the internet suggested that the proper time length required in this mass hand-washing activity was the chorus of The Killers’ “Mr. Brightside,” a song that’s held up as one of the defining hits of the past 20 years.

So, naturally, The Killers — who last week released a quite good news song in “Caution” and a North American tour with Johnny Marr that plays Boston in October — took notice.

Last night (March 15), The Killers tweeted video of vocalist Brandon Flowers washing his paws while singing the iconic song, and hey, it just might be the kind of easy breezy content we need as we embrace a culture of cleanliness and social distancing.

There will be no “swimming through sick lullabies” with Flowers in charge, that’s for sure.