Year in ReView: Our favorite live music photographs of 2019

Editor's Note: Vanyaland's live music photography is one of the hallmarks of this digital publication, taking the reader into the show and up close to his, her, and their favorite talents. Here are more than 100 examples of our photography bringing the hustle and glory of a live performance to our readers, with contributions throughout the past 12 months from two-time Boston Music Awards Photographer of the Year Emily Gardner (2018 and 2019), as well as Ben Stas, John Hutchings, Kelly Fox, Kristen Bourdeau, Matthew Shelter, Maria Alejandra Mata, Bryan Lasky, Ted Petrosky, Bina Zafar, Jason Greenough, and Scott Murry. Of course, there are photos that we love that aren't included here, due to time and space restraints. Consider this just a taste of the work put in throughout 2019. For all of our galleries, and the thousands and thousands of photographs we published across New England and the Southwest all through the wild ride we called 2019, click here.

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