Photo Gallery: HarpoonFest 2019 at Harpoon Brewery in Boston

Editor's Note: Boston has, so far, experienced a rather difficult relationship with spring this season. But for one day, at least, and on a Saturday no less (May 18), the gray clouds moved elsewhere to let the sun shine down on the Seaport and all the thirsty patrons watching the bands and artists perform live at HarpoonFest 2019. This year's lineup was fantastic, and Saturday's slate featured a festival-like lineup: Annie Brobst, Liz Bills & The Change, Photocomfort, Band of Their Own, and The Silks on Stage One; and John Hanson Project, Dutch Tulips, Garth., Aubrey Haddard, Cliff Notez, and The Maxims on Stage Two. Adam Parshall was at HarpoonFest on behalf of Vanyaland, and you can scan through his full Saturday coverage below.

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