Editor’s Note: A co-headlining tour featuring UK melodic rock dudes Basement and Philadelphia shoegazers Nothing was enough to catch our attention right at the jump, but adding LA trio Teenage Wrist and Run For Cover Records’ Fiddlehead to the show pretty much worked us into a lather. Presented by Noisey, this tour hit Boston for its third show this past Thursday night (May 16), filling Royale with the type of sounds that prove the guitar is far from dead and reminding us just how lethal Basement’s 2018 LP Beside Myself really is. The whole night was on-point, really.Vanyaland’s John Hutchings braved the Theatre District to capture visuals of each performance, and you can scan through his full gallery below.
Photo Gallery: Basement, Nothing, Teenage Wrist and Fiddlehead live in Boston