Editor's Note: We've said it before, we'll say it again: The Dirty Nil are one badass rock and roll band of motherfuckers. Back in July we got hyped off the Ontario band's monster single "Pain Of Infinity", and when they dropped that beast we got advance warning of two relevant points of interest: Their September album Master Volume, and their fall tour that hit The Middle East this past Saturday (November 24). "This Cambridge show was the last of their US tour, and the band still played with all of the energy of an opening night of tour," reports Vanyaland's Scott Murry, who photographed the show. "High kicks and guitar windmills galore.... The band worked hard their whole set, yet were taken aback when the crowd cheered emphatically for an encore -- so they came back for one more." The show was rounded out by Boston's own The Burning Lights, and Vancouver's Dead Soft, who have supported The Dirty Nil on their entire North American run. Check out Murry's full gallery, in order of appearance, below.

Photo: Scott Murry for Vanyaland