Boston rapper Dre Muzic shows he’s ‘$Till’ got it


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Boston rapper Dre Muzic has been teasing his album $Till since 2016 now — or at least its title, with multiple consecutive posts on twitter, Kanye-SWISH-style. After releasing its lead single “Recognize” in 2017, the whole opus has arrived, officially out yesterday (July 11). The title’s format has changed a little, but Dre hasn’t: “Still go by Muzic/Still spell it with a ‘Z’/Third tape in and still D-O-P-E” he raps on the title track. The 11-song album is packed with “Good Problems” and “No Regrets,” affirming his hustle and admirable self confidence (his tune “D.O.a.T.” puts a spin on GOAT and stands for “dopest of all time”). Drink in every suave, swagger-laden song below. Featured image via Dre Muzic on Instagram.