Teenage Dream: The future of pop is female

It’s time to destroy the notion that teenage pop singers = mindless kiddos with a one-way ticket to stardom after a Disney career.

Young women in mainstream music have existed forever, but following the breakthroughs of especially mature trailblazers like Lorde and Billie Eilish, the floodgates have opened for the under 21 gals of Gen Z to start gripping the rowdy reigns of pop. Simply put, the era of teen queens is surging, and their tsunami of talent isn't receding any time soon.

Inspired by 19-year-old King Princess’ (very) sold-out show at The Sinclair on Thursday (July 12) and 19-year-old Clairo's appearance at the Cambridge venue on July 20, Vanyaland has compiled a list of ladies continuing the line of wise-beyond-their-years pop tunes. Swipe through to see our picks of women under 20 who are keeping the new trend not only thriving, but pushing the boundaries of pop music.

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We just showed Massachusetts native Clairo some love for her new song “Better”, and we’re ready to do it again. Her 2018 EP diary 001 slices deeper than bubblegum with a strong R&B slant that makes the record sound more like diary 1997 at times (“Flaming Hot Cheetos” keeps it grounded in 2018, though). Catch the 19-year-old — full name: Claire Cottrill — at The Sinclair on July 20 with Garren Sean.

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