You should probably go see Lauren Ruth Ward at Cafe 939

Consider this post a signal boost -- Lauren Ruth Ward is playing The Red Room at Cafe 939 in Boston on Thursday night (April 26), and we think you should be in attendance.

The Baltimore-born, Los Angeles-based musician first caught our attention just after the New Year with the ricocheting single "Sideways", which immediately gave credence to those pesky press comparisons that cite everyone from Janis Joplin to Sheryl Crow to Courtney Barnett. A few short months later her pitch was emboldened by brash bluesy number "Blue Collar Sex Kitten", and that was enough to keep us hooked.

Now she's in town on tour with LA indie band Slugs, and we think this show coming up at 939 should be worth everyone's time. Boston folk singer Grace Givertz opens the show.

For added effect, here's what Las Vegas Weekly had to say about a recent LRW performance: "Later at the The Bunkhouse Saloon, Katie Crutchfield of Waxahatchee had just finished up a solo set when Lauren Ruth Ward took to the stage around 11:30 p.m. The LA roots-rock singer completely won over a crowd that, per Ward’s question, admittedly didn’t know who she was. With her raspy, fiery vocals, a delivery not unlike Courtney Barnett's and a wild and ferocious stage presence, Ward earned an entirely new legion of fans at the Bunkhouse that night. It was just the kind of thing you’d hope to see from a festival focused on breaking emerging artists."

Now let the music seal the deal.

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