‘Action Point’ Trailer: Johnny Knoxville wants to give you ‘an excitement enema’

Seemingly sent to us as an apology from the Gods for how bad one of the films coming out this weekend is, Johnny Knoxville and (some of) the Jackass crew are back with a new feature, Action Point, where Knoxville plays the proprietor of a sketchy-ass New Jersey amusement park who decides to up the ante with more dangerous — and fun — rides. Of course, it’s filled with all the real stunts one could ever want in a motion picture, and is based on a real-life amusement park (called Action Park, not Action Point) which apparently wrecked motherfuckers like ScreenCrush‘s Matt Singer. To say we are here for it is may be the greatest understatement in the history of understatements.

Peep this shit:

Look, we’re gonna level with you: We love the Jackass gang, and seeing Chris Pontius show as a dips hit lifeguard warmed the cockles of our hearts. It’s always great to see Knoxville as well, who seems to be well on his way to fully transitioning to middle-aged Jack Nicholsondom, and the man also has never met old-age makeup that he wouldn’t wear (we’re fully expecting him to play an aging Nicholson in a future film, perhaps shouting insults at Sacramento Kings players during the inevitable film about the 2002 Western Conference Finals).

But yeah, this is a concept that makes sense for all involved, including director Tim Kirkby, who made a huge impression on British Television without ever ascending to public notoriety stateside (check out Look Around You, his series with Peter Serafinowicz, which is a pitch-perfect parody of educational films shown in grammar schools overseas). Plus, there’s nothing better than watching people get shot down water slides with firehoses, right?

Action Point will hit theaters on June 1, right about the same time you’d be hitting up the water park back when you were young and before that knee injury ended your dreams of going pro.

Featured image via Paramount Pictures.