Fast Tracked: L7 pack a punch in ‘I Came Back To Bitch’

Now that we’re all caught up on the L7 backstory via 2016 documentary Pretend We’re Dead, it’s time to start penning a few new chapters in the pioneering grunge band’s legacy. Preferably, in blood. After returning to our speakers last year with comeback single “Dispatch from Mar-a-Lago,” L7 light a firecracker under our asses today with a brat-aholic new joint called “I Came Back To Bitch”. They’ll be coming back to Boston as well, as Donita Sparks and the crew kick off an eight-date US run April 11 at the Paradise Rock Club. From there, they play Brooklyn, Philly, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis before crashing Punk Rock Bowling in Las Vegas. All dates after the video jump. Featured photo via Facebook.

L7 2018 Tour Dates
April 11: Boston, MA @ Paradise
April 12: Brooklyn, NY @ Brooklyn Steel
April 13: Philadelphia, PA @ Trocadero
April 15: Cleveland, OH @ Beachland Ballroom
April 16: Milwaukee, WI @ Eagles Club
April 18: Indianapolis, IN @ Vogue
April 19: Minneapolis, MN @ First Avenue
May 25-28: Las Vegas, NV @ Punk Rock Bowling