Choose Your Weapon: Ministry and Thrill Kill Kult play Boston on same night

Life is filled with impossible choices. On April 17, Boston faces one of industrial proportions: Ministry vs. My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult.

The two electronic music titans are playing our fair city on the same night, with Al Jourgensen’s crew at Royale and Groovie Mann and Buzz McCoy’s gang at Brighton Music Hall.

Why, Boston, why?

Making things more difficult is the fact that both shows come with some added appeal.

Ministry is touring behind upcoming album AmeriKKKant, and recent single “Antifa”, which has a bit of a Psalm 69 intensity to it, finds Jourgensen as impassioned as ever. Also, they are bringing along the enchanted Chelsea Wolfe as support, and being able to witness Wolfe perform live, under any circumstances, comes with our full endorsement.

On the Thrill Kill Kult side of the coin, the Chicago industrial-dance pioneers are celebrating their 30th anniversary by performing their legendary Wax Trax records I See Good Spirits and I See Bad Spirits (1988) and Confessions of a Knife… (1990). That means we are absolutely, 100 percent guaranteed to hear “A Daisy Chain 4 Satan,” The Days of Swine and Roses,” and “Kooler Than Jesus” all in one night. So hey, shutupandtakemymoney.jpg.

It’s a tough choice, and a loaded one for a rando Tuesday night in April. Choose widely.