Live Arts Boston grant program now accepting 2018 applicants

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November 20, 2017 — We want to fund your art! Boston’s performing arts and music scene helps make the city thrive. As part of our effort to support the local artists that drive that scene, the Boston Foundation is proud to announce the 2018 Live Arts Boston (LAB) program, created with the support and partnership of the Barr Foundation. We invite performing artists, small nonprofit organizations, bands, collaboratives, producers, and presenters in the Greater Boston area to apply today.

To apply, go to our website for more information and program guidelines. Need help with the application process? Sign up here to attend our NEW SERIES of OFFICE HOURS and our 1-1 GRANT REVIEW SUPPORT session.

LAB will provide up to $15,000 in project-specific funds to create, produce or present artistic work for Greater Boston audiences.

Individual artists, groups/bands/ensembles, and performing arts organizations with budgets under $250K (for the most recently completed fiscal year) are eligible to apply. Please see the guidelines for complete details.

Funding in 2018 will support work in the following performing arts disciplines: dance, theater, original music of any kind, spoken word, performance art, circus arts, as well as traditional, culturally-specific, and folk performing arts, or any multi-disciplinary combination of the above. Performance projects that include a visual art or film component are eligible, but LAB does not support standalone film projects.

Application Deadline: November 30, 2017, MIDNIGHT (EST)

Decisions Anticipated: February 2018

Grant Period: Funds must be spent between January 1 and December 31, 2018. While the project does not need to be completed in its entirety during the grant period, it must be made available/presented in Greater Boston in some form by December 31, 2018.

Program Information Sessions and Office Hours: The Foundation invites all interested applicants to learn more about both programs and ask questions at a series of information sessions and office hours to be held in different locations throughout Greater Boston. Dates, times, locations and registration links for upcoming sessions can be found on our website. ​​