Hearts Refired: Sylvester Stallone is directing ‘Creed 2’ after all

While we all were waiting with cautious anticipation for the Star Wars trailer during tonight’s installment of Monday Night Football, Sylvester Stallone decided to drop a bomb on the film world and announce something that he’s been hinting about for a long time. Yes, that’s right — in a picture posted from his official Instagram account, Stallone declared that he’d be directing Creed 2 himself, with Michael B. Jordan returning as Adonis Creed.

Take a look:

Stallone’s social media feed is currently the only source for this news, though we’re expecting further announcements to come in the day tomorrow and in the weeks ahead. Many people will be undoubtedly sad that Ryan Coogler isn’t returning for the sequel, given that his direction was such a big part of the first film’s success, but it’s not like Stallone is that terrible himself at the whole “making movies” thing.

Yes, he’s been in bad Tecate commercials and is currently starring in your mom’s favorite TV show, This is Us, but the man’s made some great movies in the past eleven years (we’re looking at you, Rocky Balboa and John Rambo). Besides, it’s not like Coogler hasn’t moved on to greener pastures, and you can see him work wonders in Black Panther next year.

Creed 2 will apparently begin shooting next year, potentially for release in 2019, we guess? Only Sly knows for sure.

Still via the Movie Stills Database.