Angel Lansdowne: Lady Gaga crashes House of Blues after Fenway Park show

Lady Gaga's first night in Boston didn't end when she played the last note of "Million Reasons" at her Fenway Park show last night (September 1) -- it carried on across the street when she sang jazz tune "Coquette" with trumpeter Brian Newman and his band at The House of Blues.

Which, by the way, we totally called.

Having worked together in the past on Cheek to Cheek, Gaga came out to support Newman at his "after hours" jazz performance at the Lansdowne Street venue, located just on the other side of Fenway Park's Green Monster. Gaga took the stage around midnight after mingling in the crowd for a few songs -- reveling in her own personal glow and crowning achievement of becoming the first woman to ever headline a concert at Fenway Park. She last performed on the House of Blues stage back in 2009, playing the venue twice that year.

"I was hoping you'd stall so I could get a drink in me before I got up here," she told Newman onstage before performing.

Gaga left the stage after a single song, but rejoined the audience with a circle of bodyguards around her at all times. There weren't many little monsters at the show -- maybe 100, tops -- but they managed to swarm around the singer enough to make her move to the mezzanine with her sister Natali for a more private viewing. She remained at the second floor railing for the rest of the gig, clutching a flute of champagne and overseeing her kingdom in a vibrant blue robe.

Opening act and producer DJ White Shadow and Gaga's keyboardist Brockett Parsons were also at the after party.

Gaga left the House of Blues around 1:30 a.m., waving to fans from the sunroof of her SUV. Newman performs Saturday night at the House of Blues as well, and Gaga says she will make a repeat appearance after her second and final show at the historic ballpark.

Editor's Note: Stay tuned for our full review of the Fenway Park show; in the meantime, below are some quick snaps of the scene at House of Blues, by Victoria Wasylak:

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