V:Music Playlist 08.11.17: Dagny + NOTD, Alex Adair, NVDES, mansionz, Prince Fox, The Horrors, Liam, HAIM, Carlie Hanson, and more

We spend a lot of time talking about the summer. Maybe it's our cold New England blood, maybe it's that time-honored Life in a Northern Town mystique, maybe it's the veritable "School's Out"-ness of it all. Or maybe we just know we'll be buried under snow piles by the time Ded Moroz rolls his jolly fat ass into town. Either way, whether it's new music from Jenna Kyle or Camino 84 or Dutch ReBelle or Capital Cities, we're just all about summer here on the V.

Now as we swandive into another August weekender mix, we're kicking it off with a new declaration of this here "Summer of Love." This sparkle n' thrust banger comes Swedish producer NOTD (pronounced "Noted") and British songbird Dagny, and it's the perfect launch code for our latest V:Music playlist.

Elsewhere find fresh-as-a-daisy-chain traxx from Carlie Hanson, Prince Fox + Quinn XCII, mansionz + Loote, Elliot Root, NVDES, Alex Adair, another new Liam Gallagher joint, Gabrielle Aplin, Liz Huett, HAIM, Kesha + Eagles Of Death Metal, WESLEE, Caroline Pennell, that exxxxxcellent new Horrors jam, and more.

Feel that love. This is V:Music. Made for you.

To listen to the full mix as one continuous playlist, jump ahead here.

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