Watch Liam Gallagher perform live in Manchester and hold out for that rumored Oasis reunion

Freshly-minted solo artist Liam Gallagher is performing tonight at the O2 Ritz in Manchester — like, right now — and rumors of an Oasis reunion are flying.

Will it happen? Tune in via fan-filmed Periscope below:

Note I: A lot of the streams are cutting out; we’ll keep updating as the show progresses.

Note II: Our hero in Manchester has just relayed the following, regarding his phone’s battery life: “9%…I’ll be back when Noel comes on…” Oh hey let’s hope.

Note III: We may have a Bonehead sighting on “Be Here Now.”

Note IV: Welp, no Oasis reunion tonight — maybe we’ll get that action at Saturday’s benefit concert. But probably not.

If there’s no proper ‘Sis reunion, fans in the room won’t go home disappointed: Liam’s set, three songs in as of this post, has already featured “Fucking In The Bushes,” “Rock & Roll Star,” and “Morning Glory.” He’s expected to debut a bunch of new solo material as well; Liam’s debut single “Wall Of Glass” is due out Friday.

All proceeds of the show are going to the families affected by the May 22 bombing at Manchester Arena. There are 22 candles on stage, one for each victim.