Here’s a sneak peek of the new J. Geils Band mural set to grace the House of Blues


Studio 52 is a community artist space located in the heart of Allston, and is proud to support the Boston music scene and local artist community.

Anyone who has been to a show at the House of Blues over the past year or so has noticed a few incredible memorial murals sprouting up along Lansdowne Street. Last summer, a double shot of Prince and David Bowie went up near the live music venue’s entrance to the Foundation Room, only to be replaced in January of this year by one depicting the late Sharon Jones.

Now, the House of Blues will turn its teary eyes to J. Geils Band guitarist and co-founder John Warren Geils Jr., who passed away last month at the age of 71.

Boston artist Meghan Pierce, who designed the previous murals with Molly Kafka and Hannah Earley, posted a sneak peek of her and Kafka’s developing work to Instagram on Monday afternoon (May 1). If the House of Blues follows its recent trends, the Geils mural soon will go up on an outside wall facing Lansdowne Street, with the Jones mural relocated somewhere around the venue’s inside premises. The Bowie and Price mural currently resides in a backstage hallway.

We’re excited to see the finished piece of this new Geils work, but it already looks incredible.