Seasons Leavings: Civic deliver the holiday breakup song we’ve needed for years

We’ve long been fans of Boston rootsy guitar-pop band Civic, and we’ll admit fully that we were both surprised and bummed to not see any representation of their fantastic March album Things With Feathers on the recent Boston Music Awards ballot. But that’s fine, because awards aren’t needed when you not only craft pitch-perfect songwriting and melodic beauty, but also have the ability to disguise a brilliant breakup song as a cheery holiday jingle.

That’s what Dana Osterling has done on Civic’s new holiday single, “Paper Snowflakes”. It won’t sound out of place next to those time-honored holiday classics, until you lend a proper ear to Osterling’s personal liberation and reawakening.

“We all got in the holiday spirit early this year, in need of a diversion from incredibly depressing and overwhelming current events,” Osterling tells Vanyaland. “I love how Christmas music is so amazingly cheesy, and I thought writing my own jingler might be cathartic. It was!”

Osterling doesn’t get into exactly what inspired her to leave behind some “toxic masculinity,” but deciding to not spend the holidays feeling miserable doesn’t need additional explanations. Worth noting, however, is that “Paper Snowflakes” was recorded by Stephen Konrads, known around these parts for his excellent work with Eternals (another BMAs snub if there ever was one).

Give “Paper Snowflakes” its own award for Most Likely To Never Look Back, read Civic bassist Wayne Whittaker’s letter to Santa after the Bandcamp jump, and mix the song with your personal cup of solitary eggnog below.
