Use Your Delusion: Axl Rose encourages destruction of Trump piñata at Guns N’ Roses gig

Guns N’ Roses hardly resonated as an outspoken political operation back in their heyday. In spirit, the headlines of krillion-selling records Appetite for Destruction and the Use Your Illusion set were very much “Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll, ect.”

So in a year brimming with soul-and-sanity crushing surprises, at least Axl Rose’s dabbles into current events-related commentary provide one welcome development nobody expected.

The tail end of a recent South American trek landed the lately reformed original GnR lineup at the Palacio de los Deportes in Mexico City, whereabouts a humongous Donald Trump effigy was introduced onstage, and promptly destroyed. Before Tomi Lahren releases an apoplectic tirade accusing the glam metal icons of encouraging violence against the president elect, let us note that Rose never ordered anyone to smash orange Hitler’s likeness. He merely requested that a few individual audience members receive “a fuckin’ stick” and then told them, “Express yourself, however you feel.”

Since Trump’s calamitous ascendency to president elect, Rose has taken to Twitter to call bullshit on Trump’s nominating longstanding pile of douchebags Jeff Sessions for the attorney general gig, and called Trump a goddamn crybaby for that silly business with Mike Pence at Hamilton.

Frankly, for me, this is more than enough to forgive Axl for that one time he was a kind of a jerk to Kurt Cobain.