‘You lost… We take over’: Comedian Kwasi Mensah heckled last night at comedy show in Brighton

Boston comedian Kwasi Mensah was interrupted and heckled last night while performing his stand-up routine at CitySide in Brighton.

The incident was caught on tape, and the heckler can be seen and heard shouting things like “you lost” and “we take over.” The unnamed man also referenced the play Hamilton, and chided others in the crowd for not voting in the presidential election. He was reportedly removed from the Cleveland Circle bar by venue security.

Mensah, who addresses “white privilege” and social issues in his comedy routines, addressed the incident in a Facebook post, and his recap is now published on Medium.

“For all the think pieces (that I’ve even shared) trying to excuse the behavior of Trump supporters, for me tonight was a stark realization of the type of America that’s been emboldened by his victory,” he writes. “The type of America that we in our ‘Coastal Liberal Bubble’ assumed we were better than. The type of America that everyone that voted for Trump on “economic” issues tacitly signed up for. But it also showed how we’re going to get through this. Whether it’s Sam Ike and Anjan Biswas giving me time on their show to tell jokes about white privilege; Giulia Rozzi, our headliner, screaming back at him instead of worrying about not being able to get a good tape; Justin P. Drew for having the presence of mind to record this; all the people that have checked in to make sure I’m ok; and of course, our lovely crowd and all the other comics for letting him know loudly that they’re not on his side.”

Watch the video below, captured by fellow comic Justin P. Drew. Featured Mensah photo by Sarah Sparks Photography.