Suspended Belief: Tom Brady mocks Deflategate and unfair punishments in new Foot Locker ad

If you thought Deflategate was over now that Tom Brady has served his four-game suspension, think again: We’re now in the good-humored commercialized stage of the never-ending saga between the New England Patriots and the NFL.

Only this time, it’s Brady taking the reins and mocking the suspicion, accusation, and even his suspension in a new ad from Foot Locker. A strange, conflicting week to be a Patriots fan — and that’s saying something — has gotten even stranger and more conflicting.

The ad, which premiered this morning and can be viewed below, is for Foot Locker’s “Week of Greatness” campaign. Two regular ol’ guys roll into a diner, and start suspecting just how the show campany can be so great for so long. Like Brady and the Pats! Genius.

“Just because something is great year after year doesn’t mean anything is going on,” Brady says frantically. “Why can’t some things just be great? It starts with questions, and then questions turn into assumptions, and then assumptions turn into vacations. So why would you punish the Week of Greatness for something that never even happened?”

Oh boy.

After dropping a close one to the Seattle Seahawks this past weekend in a Super Bowl XLIX rematch, the Patriots look to get back in the win column this Sunday against the San Francisco 49ers in the Bay Area.

[h/t CBS]