Boston Comedy Festival declares politics-free zone tonight at Somerville Armory

Even for the most non-politically-minded folks, the past few months have been filled with stress, uneasiness, and, for some, disappointment. Needless to say, everyone could use a good laugh right now — a good, non-political, and free laugh.

The Boston Comedy Festival, which kicked off this past weekend and runs to Saturday, has just the thing to help you not think about the world around you. For tonight, at least.

Join some of the city’s favorite comedians this evening as they take the state at the Center for Arts at the Armory in Somerville for a completely politics-free night of entertainment — an especially welcome invite given what transpired Saturday night at Comics Come Home.

The 8 p.m. show features comedians Graig Murphy, Mike Koutrobis, Tony V, Stephen Bjork and John David, all of whom are more than prepared to take you away from the real world for an evening.

Though the show is free to attend, would-be attendees still need to register for the event. The Center for Arts at the Armory is located at 191 Highland Ave. in Somerville.