The Eyes Have It: Watch Caspian perform for ‘Last Call with Carson Daly’

Late-night television viewers across the country got a taste of what we here in Boston have known for years: Caspian don’t fuck around.

The Beverly post-rock band appeared on NBC’s Last Call with Carson Daly this past Monday, which filmed part of the group’s November 1 appearance at the Teragram Ballroom in Ls Angeles. Caspian performed “Sad Heart of Mine,” which can be heard in recorded form on their breathtaking 2015 album Dust And Disquiet.

It’s incredible watching all the people in the crowd absorbing the raw passion of Caspian’s music with their eyes firmly closed. That practice should be in full effect this Friday night, when the Massachusetts lads return home for a show at Royale in the Theatre District.

The following evening, Caspian’s current tour with the Appleseed Cast concludes in Montreal.
