Editor's Note: Everyone was locked in and involved in last night's St. Lucia and Baio show at the House of Blues. The two projects, led respectively by South Africa native Jean-Philip Grobler and Vampire Weekend's Chris Baio, represent a new charge of modern pop music and packed the Lansdowne Street venue with a barrage of lights and music. Towards the end of St. Lucia's set, Grobler bolted from the House of Blues, running outside and then back in along the venue's side doors, and quickly grabbed and placed his arm around a fan. He pulled in our photographer, Eddy Leiva, and asked him to snap a pic of the new BFFs (see image number 23). It was quite a night all around; check Leiva's full gallery below.
Photo Gallery: St. Lucia and Baio deliver a modern beat to the House of Blues in Boston