Insane Clown Posse speak out against clown sightings: ‘Nothing more than mass hysteria and moral panic’

For whatever reason, a clown panic has gripped the country, with sightings popping up in towns all over the map. But Detroit rap duo Insane Clown Posse want everyone to know the whole thing is kind of bullshit.

Last week, they released a statement on Facebook, along with a Rolling Stone link about the spate of sightings, and distanced themselves from the whole situation. They write:

“OK, Juggalos, we’ve received like 40 emails and even more postings on pages asking about our opinion on these so-called ‘killer clown’ reports that keep popping up. One reporter even called and asked me if this was an ‘ICP promotional tactic!’ Needless to say, I shut his ass down VERY quickly. Read this dope article from Rolling Stone about what is basically nothing more than mass hysteria and moral panic. Believe it or not, the same thing happened in 1981, too, LONG before social media, Stephen King wrote ‘It’ and ICP were in fuckin GRADE SCHOOL at the time! So there ARE no ‘killer clowns’ — it’s just jackasses being jackasses. So everyone relax! – J-WEBB

And speaking of Stephen King, even the legendary author has chimed in.

[h/t Faygoluvers]