City ‘Crusher’: Health provide the maniacal soundtrack to Boston’s annual student invasion

Experimental agit-pop noise-makers Health are from Los Angeles, so chances are they are not privy to the chaos currently unfolding in the streets across the Boston area. It’s been reported that 70 percent of apartment leases in our fair city expire and/or renew come midnight tonight, once the calendar reluctantly turns to September 1, and the result is an asphaltian apocalypse: thousands and thousands of students descend on the area, traffic gridlocks to a sweaty, pissed-off standstill, U-Haul trucks Storrow themselves into scraped oblivion, car horn symphonies fill the salty air, and enraged parents with out-of-town plates are just as likely to start a fist fight on the degraded Allston corner of Harvard and Brighton Avenues than the drunk bros that normally inhabit the intersection every other night of the year. It’s fucking madness out there.

What we all need is a massive, pounding, twisted metal fuck-dog of mechanical sleaze and might.

So we give you Health’s heavy-breathing new track “Crusher”, the latest installment of the Adult Swim Singles Series.

“How long have we been here?” asks Health frontman Jake Duzsik. “How long can we stay?”

When we last checked in on the comp, slowly unveiled over the past several weeks, it was for Protomartyr’s angst-ridden, spoken-word-ish track “Born To Be Wine”. Since then, Adult Swim has raised the stakes with selections from Against Me!, Earl Sweatshirt, and Vince Staples, but the new Health is the most outwardly aggressive. We need it now more than ever.

Listen to it below, and position your speakers facing out into the Boston street as a proper welcome for those who aren’t from here, but who will immediately act like they are once mom and dad get back on the highway.