Blow yer hair back with ‘Heist’, the latest rock and roll jam from John Travoltage

Way back in the 20th century, pop icon Andy Warhol said everyone will experience their own personal 15 minutes of fame. In this glory-hole of a 16-year-old century, every music publication and website will spend 15 minutes talking about how awesome John Travoltage’s band name is. We cannot fault them.

But hey, we already did that back in October when we hyped their raucous garage rock track “Buckskin”. Now, the Bay Area band is back with another exciting new single, out today with its release show Thursday at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco, and it premiered recently on Impose.

“‘Heist’ is our homage to California,” singer Richie Tubman tells Impose. “A prayer to the lost days and nights spent roaming the streets between San Francisco and Los Angeles. To the gutterpunk shitheads ripping up curbs to the club-rat rich brats standing in line at Del Taco, to the men and women who make this state go round and round and up and down. We wrote this for all of us.”

And it’s another reason why John Travoltage is one of the most exciting bands in California. Listen to the track below, and stick around for the midway point, when the coda slides into an addictive mix of ’90s alternative and ’70s classic rock; it actually reminds us of some of our favorite tracks from long-lost Kansas rock band Paw, but that doesn’t make a difference because no one remembers them. Maybe it was the name.